Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Beauty and the Beast teaches Pacifism

The beginning of the movie starts out with retaliation to evil. A man is punished for his rudeness, and is turned into the Beast. However, Belle does not retaliate against evil or wrongs done against her. The Beast has taken her father captive, yet instead of rallying violence against him or trying to fight at all, Belle makes a self-sacrifice in the place of her father. This makes her a Jesus type figure, because not only does she sacrifice herself to save her father but also she does so in a non violent and pacifist way.  Belle also teaches the beast to be more of a pacifist and not so quick to anger and act violently. Even when Gaston comes after the Beast at the end of the movie, the beast does not react at first. When he does react with violence, he still realizes that killing is not the answer and lets Gaston go. Gaston on the other hand reacts to everything violently and is not a pacifist at all. He does not even let himself be taught or led to be a different way. Since Gaston is the bad guy, and Belle and the Beast at the end are the good guys, then this movie places value on pacifism. 

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