Thursday, November 25, 2010

Wall-E and Tehnology

Wall-E is the perfect Disney movie to discuss in correlation with our discussion on technology and its harms. Wall-E is a piece of technology that got left behind on the earth because we destroyed it with our conveniences and technological advances.  The whole earth is a wasteland. Later in the movie Wall-E gets sent to space where all of the humans live now. Humans have relied and built a society in space to accommodate their new technological way of life. First off, all of the humans are obese and ride around in chairs instead of walking. They drink all of their food out of a straw and never talk to each other face to face, but instead use cell phones. This movie demonstrates the extreme of what our society is on the way of becoming.
I think that this movie brings up many moral issues. The Lord calls us to care for the earth and in this movie we have destroyed it. The Lord made active people and our bodies are temples for the Lord. The obesity due to sheer laziness is against the way the Lord calls us to use our bodies. Also, work is valued and replacing any kind of work with technology is not what God intended for us, he made us to work. Furthermore, in the movie they have not thought about how God would want us to use the technology we have discovered, instead they use it as they please.  This shows distrust in the Lord to provide and know what’s best for us. I think Wall-E advocates all of the moral issues that the Bible advocated in relation to environmental and technological issues. 

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